
Understanding coconut reproductive biology

From the botanist's point of view, the coconut palms are all bisexual (both female and male). They produces inflorescences all throughout the year. Each inflorescence contains both female flowers and male flowers.

Coconut palms can therefore self fertilize. The frequency of self-fertilization greatly varies depending on varietal types. Most Dwarf types reproduce by self-fertilization. In Tall-types, within the inflorescence, all or most of the male flowers ripen and fall before the female flowers become receptive. In this case, the pollen that fertilizes a palm generally comes another palm. There are also possibilities for fertilization between two successive inflorescences on the same coconut palm : the pollen of the new inflorescence will fertilize the female flowers of the former inflorescence (Bourdeix et al., 2015). In Côte d’Ivoire ; farmers are mostly planting Tall-Types and Dwarf x Tall hybrids. The coconut palm is both male and female. Each coconut comes from a mother and a father, most often distinct from the mother. A coconut bunch generally have a mother and several fathers.
Bourdeix R., Konan J.L. and N’Cho Y.P., 2005. Coconut. A guide to traditional and improved varieties. . Montpellier, France, Editions Diversiflora,104 p.