

Information provided in this website aims to promote rejuvenation and replanting of coconut plantations in the Pacific region using preferably local coconut varieties. It was launched by Dr Roland Bourdeix in the framework of the CIDP expertise on "Coconut Production and Seeds System in the Pacific Region", of which the terms of references of the expertise are summarized here
This website is under the Creative commons licence CC BY-ND 4.0.  You are free to duplicate all the available information as long as its source is appropriately cited, as follow:
R. Bourdeix, K. Mapusua, N. Hussein, R. Lal, V. Kumar and J. Ollivier. 2018. Coconut planting material for the Pacific Region. 

The Coconut Risk Management and Mitigation Manual for the Pacific Region:
52 contributors from 26 countries! and two meetings held in 2018 in Fiji...

Varieties for replanting
The world catalogue of coconut conserved germplasm
List of germplasm conserved in ex situ coconut genebanks
How to download and extract data from the Coconut Genetic Resources Database

Coconut seed systems
As debated in the Global Strategy for conservation and use of genetic resources, it seems possible to estimate roughly the number of coconut palms planted yearly at the global level. Coconut is cultivated as a crop on 12 million hectares, totaling approximately 1.44 billion palms, based on the likely average population density of 120 palms/ha. If we assume that coconut palms are replanted on average every 50 years, we can estimate that at least 28.9 million coconut palms (1/50, so 2%) need to be replanted each year simply to maintain a constant cultivated area. In fact the coconut area is presently increasing. Moreover, this first estimation does not take into account that a significant percentage of existing palms are already senile (more than 50 years old) and need to be replaced as soon as possible. Thus, this first estimation will have to be refined at the Pacific regional level, and for each Pacific country involved in CIDP project.

New tool for calculating the number of seednuts needed at national level